Dispelling the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge, the temple of knowledge, St.Joseph G.H.s chengal stepping towards with great enthusiasm. The school has it’s humble beginning in 1911 which is owned,managed and maintained by C.M.C Sisters the first indigenous congregation for women in kerala founded by saint chavara Kuriakose Elias the grate missionary of the time The christian formation of the people especially the women and children is the charism of the congregation and the education is the main apostolate.
cherishing the memories of the forgone days dancing with the rhythm, of periyar and moving with the elow of the advaitha this grate grandma continuous to illumen the minds and hearts with knowledge and empower the young once with strong congregation and values. Now the school has altogether 2177 students in different sections form I to X and staff both teaching and supporting The selfless and dedicated service of staff , serious co-operation of the parents and the efficient and creative ample response in their response both in curricular ,co-curricular activities,and keep up the name and fame of the institution the able and the dynamic personality of our present principal Rev.Sr.Joicy created a new spirit in the development and flourishing of the
school keeping hold of the hands of god almighty, the school seeking the new horizons of knowledge….